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Coronavirus staff guidance University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Update, 1 March

Updated with long COVID-19 guidance.

Clinical guidance and pathways

Find local and national guidelines and other essential information on patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Find all the information you need about personal protective equipment.

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Staff support

See how to get the help, support and benefits you need during this difficult time.

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Working and absence

See when to isolate and when to carry on working during COVID-19.

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Staff vaccinations

Find all the information you need about COVID-19 vaccinations.

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Medical and Scientific Advisory Group (MSAG)

MSAG provides day to day support to operational and clinical staff on matters of process, such as isolation, cohorting, PPE usage etc.

This group receives staff queries, concerns and gathers information on any issues or concerns, to develop process and ensure communication of best practice.

The group will respond with appropriate guidance and will prioritise any required education, training or communication on the COVID-19 response. The members of the group contribute to frontline communication and continuous support for staff. It also provides evidence-based guidance to the Strategic Group.

Contact MSAG

Coronavirus statistics

Frequently updated statistics combining UHB and national data.

View statistics

Staff briefings

Staff briefings took place earlier in the pandemic and are not currently available.

Safeguarding children

Have you considered your patient’s wider family situation and whether they care for anyone under the age of 18 years old?

Contact the Safeguarding team to get them the support they need.

Safeguarding adults

Adults (aged 18 or over) who have care and support needs are among the most vulnerable members of society.

Help to protect your patient and call the Safeguarding team today.

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