Accessing vaccinator resources on e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)
Last updated: 28 October 2021 at 11:40
If you are already registered to use e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) please log in as normal and go directly to step seven.
Otherwise, please register via the e-LfH website and follow steps one – seven.
1. Enter your NHS email address if you have access, otherwise use your personal email address
2. Select 'I am registering for access to COVID-19 resources' from the 'About you' menu
3. Fill in your personal details and select 'West Midlands' from the 'Region' drop-down menu
4. Select 'Volunteer' from the 'Job role' drop-down (a vaccinator option is not currently provided by e-LfH)
5. Select 'UHB' as the 'Employing organisation' drop-down
6. Press 'Enter' to complete your registration
7. After receiving your confirmation email, login and and click on the following link: