Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Last updated: 26 September 2022 at 12:50
Further information
PPE key principlesKey principles for PPE, including the concept of "sessional" PPE usage.Visual guide to safe PPESee the visual guidance on the safe types of PPE.PPE itemsGuidance on personal protective equipment (PPE).Putting on PPEGuidance on how to put on personal protective equipment (PPE).Taking off PPEGuidance on the removal of personal protective equipment (PPE).PPE staff leafletContent from the staff PPE information leaflet.Prevention and management of PPE skin damageGuidance on preventing and managing skin damage for staff using personal protective equipment (PPE).Discharging patients to private care providers with PPEPPE guidance for ward staff when discharging COVID+ patients to private care providers.PPE support groupThe PPE support group has been formed to answer clinical queries from staff regarding PPE.
Related pages
Visual guide to safe PPESee the visual guidance on the safe types of PPE.