Pregnancy, fertility and the COVID-19 vaccination
Further information
Ask our fertility and pregnancy expertsHow staff can get in touch with UHB's pregnancy and fertility experts if they have queries about the COVID-19 vaccination.COVID-19 vaccination webinar: answering your questions on fertility and pregnancyStaff joined a webinar on Tuesday 1 February 2022 to discuss queries and concerns about the COVID-19 vaccination, fertility and pregnancy.
Other websites
Q&As on COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy and breastfeedingQ&As on COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy and breastfeedingVideos and animations on the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancyVideos and animations on the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancyUHB’s Dr Howland’s Facebook Q&A session on pregnancy, fertility and COVID-19UHB’s Dr Howland’s Facebook Q&A session on pregnancy, fertility and COVID-19