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Coronavirus staff guidance University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Update, 24 April

Published: 24 April 2020

Message from Dr David Rosser, Chief Executive

Friday is data day and I am very pleased to inform you that thanks to your continued efforts, yesterday we discharged our 1,500th patient from our hospitals following recovery from COVID-19.

Over the last seven days we have also seen the numbers of inpatients reduce, the number of patients testing positive reduce and the numbers of people presenting at ED with covid-like symptoms reduce.

Numbers in ITU have plateaued and 10 patients are due to be discharged from the units to wards today to continue their recovery.

This is clearly good news. However we, and the public, can’t be complacent and should continue to adhere to social distancing – as it is making a significant difference to us managing the pandemic. Indeed, we saw a slight rise in our patient numbers last weekend, including admissions to ITU (see slide 5 of the situation report, which is available to download), which seems to correlate with Easter and suggests people are relaxing that social distancing.

Social distancing

I have said a number of times, we as NHS workers must set an example. But, worryingly, we are seeing an increased number of concerned members of the public posting pictures and complaints on social media about our colleagues congregating in big groups, not observing social distancing.

Here is a selection of the comments:

  • “Will the QE only take steps to stop this [Clap for Carers] outside the Hospital when somebody dies from catching the virus that was outside over the last few weeks possibly contaminating the whole Hospital?”
  • “Any chance you could stop your staff gathering on Thursdays with no regard for social distancing it’s just that it's a bit if an additional kick in the teeth for those of us who can’t go to our families funerals. Or maybe we could just hold them at one of your hospitals at 8pm next Thursday where rules don’t apply”
  • “Tell you what, let’s bring the virus outside the hospital and spread it all over the place. Maybe by Xmas, lockdown might be over...”

You know I will always support and defend you but it does make it very difficult when we are receiving comments like these and we are not following the advice that is being given on our behalf to protect us, our patients and our families.

Kind regards
Dr David Rosser

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