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Existing members

If you are an existing member of the Trust, you can use this form to update your contact details, change the ways in which we may contact you, opt out of receiving communications relating to your membership (or opt back in to such communications, if you have previously opted out) or cancel your membership.

Your details

To help us identify your member record, please provide the details you gave us when becoming a member (or the latest details we should have on record for you, if you have previously changed these).

Update your contact details

If you would like to change any of the contact details we hold for you, you can do so here by completing the relevant fields. For example if only your address has changed, you do not need to complete the name, telephone number or email address fields.

If there are no changes to your contact details, you may leave this section blank.

Change how we contact you

If you would like to change how we contact you, please tick the appropriate box or boxes. Please note that if you tell us you are happy to be contacted by post, telephone or email, this will "opt you in" to such communications again, even if you have previously opted out.

If you don't want to change how we contact you, you may leave this section blank.

Please tell us your communication preferences:

End your membership

If you no longer wish to be a member of the Trust, you can end your membership by selecting the option below.

Privacy statement

Submitting this form will send an email to the relevant team. As email communication is not guaranteed to be secure, any personal information is sent at your own risk.

We will only use the details of this form to handle your query, including responding to you using the contact details supplied where required.

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