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Redeployment guide for recruiting managers

What is a redeployee?

Redeployees are members of staff whose current job is at risk. This is normally due to:

  • Ending of a fixed term contract
  • Organisational change
  • Medical reasons (supported by Occupational Health)
  • The outcome of a formal employee relations process (e.g. performance, disciplinary or bullying and harassment)

During the redeployment process a redeployee is afforded priority consideration during the recruitment process provided they meet the essential requirements set out in the job description and person specification, or can do so with reasonable training.

Benefits of redeployment

  • Time and money is saved on recruitment and training of a new starter
  • Retention of knowledge and skills gained within the Trust
  • Following a trial period it allows a member of staff to commence in post more quickly than the external advertising and recruitment process

Redeployment process

  1. Vacancies within the Trust are reviewed by HR before they go to advert, to review whether they would be suitable for anyone who is seeking redeployment. The HR First Contact team will inform you if your post will be held for a redeployee
  2. You would normally be contacted by a HR representative if it is identified that a role you are recruiting to is potentially suitable for a redeployee. In these instances the job vacancy will need to be placed on hold and an informal meeting arranged with you as the recruiting manager and the employee. HR and a trade union representative may be requested to attend if applicable
  3. The purpose of the meeting is to review the employee’s suitability for the vacancy being advertised. A redeployee will be considered suitable if:
    • The redeployee meets the essential criteria
    • If any of the elements of the criteria the redeployee does not meet could be met in a reasonable timeframe through training, development or experience
    • You will also need to consider any reasonable adjustments or support that would reasonably enable the member of staff to undertake the role
  4. If there are a number of potentially suitable redeployees, competitive interviewing will need to take place. This would be in accordance with standard recruiting practices
  5. If after the informal meeting you consider that an employee is not a suitable match for the vacancy you will need to provide the individual and the HR representative with written feedback in order to assist future searches. This feedback would need to clearly justify why the redeployee has been unsuccessful
  6. If you consider the redeployee to be suitable, a four week trial period will commence. An outcome letter following the informal meeting will need to be issued by the recruiting manager to the redeployee, confirming the agreed trial period
  7. The four week trial period provides the opportunity to assess the employee’s suitability to carry out the role. During the trial period you must meet with the employee at the end of each week to review how the employee is progressing in the role, review any training requirements and/or additional support and ensure any areas of concern are addressed. The weekly discussion should be recorded on the trial review form
  8. The trial period will be for a maximum of four weeks unless mutually agreed. An extension to a trial may be agreed either before or during the trial with the recruiting manager and the HR representative
  9. During the trial period, the member of staff’s current department will continue to be responsible for their salary and the recording of attendance (e.g. sickness absence). You will be responsible for notifying the current department of any absences so their attendance record can be maintained accurately
  10. At the end of the four week trial a review meeting will be held with the employee, HR and trade union representative (if requested). The purpose of the meeting will be to review the trial period and confirm if it has been successful or not. This meeting will need to be recorded in an outcome letter
  11. If the trial has been successful the individual will be permanently redeployed into the role, the relevant paperwork must be completed. This will include the recruiting manager raising a HR2 form to change their payroll record and an amendment to contract letter being issued to the member of staff (HR representative can assist with this). The member of staff’s personal file will need to be requested from the previous manager and sent to the new department. Any issues arising in relation to the carryover of annual leave from one department to the next will be determined on a case by case basis and HR advice must be sought before any decisions are made. Where possible it is advisable that the member of staff takes their accrued annual leave before joining the new department
  12. If the trial has been unsuccessful you will need to feed back to the employee in writing why it has been unsuccessful. This feedback will need to include evidence of the areas where the employee failed to demonstrate the relevant skills and ability in relation to the requirements of the job description and person specification. You will also be required to provide evidence of any support given and relevant training that has been offered to the member of staff during the trial period
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