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Leaver questionnaire and exit interview FAQs

Will I receive a response to the feedback submitted in the leaver questionnaire?

As the questionnaire is for general feedback, specific responses to individuals will not be provided. Staff wishing to provide more specific feedback can do so during the exit interview.

How will the information I provide in the leaver questionnaire be used?

The data you provide in the Leaver questionnaire is collated centrally within the People Directorate. Responses are analysed to identify patterns or trends and to make recommendations on what interventions or practices the Trust should focus on to help improve staff experience. The themes reflected within the questionnaires are highlighted in a monthly report and shared as appropriate with relevant managers/leaders across the Trust to recognise good behaviours and highlight and address areas for improvement.

How will the information I provide in the exit interview be used?

All data is reviewed by teams within the People Directorate. The data is then anonymised and shared with managers and leaders across the Trust to allow recommendations on improvements to be made. Where concerns are raised in an Exit Interview that report potential harm to self, patients, or others i.e. concerns of conduct, discrimination or harassment, safeguarding or criminal activity, these will be escalated within the People Directorate for review. It is important to note that we have a duty of care to share this information and that may include disclosure of names to Senior Managers across the Trust to enable appropriate action to be taken.

Can an exit interview be declined?

Exit interview participation is voluntary but it is recommended that managers encourage staff to take part in the interview.

If a staff member is concerned about participating in an exit interview, managers should meet with the member of staff to discuss their concerns, review if the concerns can be overcome and encourage participation.

Members of staff that decline an exit interview must be encouraged by their manager to complete the leaver questionnaire.

What happens if a complaint is raised during the exit interview?

There may be occasions when issues or concern are raised during an exit interview, for example where a staff member alleges that they have been bullied or harassed by another member of staff and/or manager.

In these circumstances, the member of staff should be asked if they have previously raised their concerns in an official capacity, for example if they have sought advice from the HR department or made a complaint informally.

If the member of staff has not taken any previous action(s) the interviewer will make the staff member aware that they will discuss disclosure with a member of staff from HR to review whether the concerns should be reviewed or investigated.

Is an exit interview required if the staff member is moving to another UHB department?

Yes, the exit interview is still needed as the feedback is always relevant and useful.

Is training on how to conduct an exit interview available?

Yes, regular Leaver and Exit Process training is run. Staff can book onto these sessions through Moodle / Easy Learning.

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