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Salary variation FAQs

A new staff member has been recruited with no NHS experience. What point of the pay band point would they commence employment on?

All starters new to agenda for change (AfC) posts will start on the bottom of the pay band.

In exceptional cases, consideration (subject to approval through the salary variation process) may be given to a salary offer above the minimum of the pay band to recognise equivalent experience relevant to the NHS and the post appointed to.

A new staff member with no previous NHS experience but has equivalent experience in a different sector has been recruited. Can they be advised that pay is negotiable and we can match their salary expectations?

You cannot agree on a salary which is above the bottom of the pay band until you have made a request via the salary variation process and it has been approved.

It will need to be explained to the candidate that a request will be submitted, and will need approval by an appropriate senior manager and Human Resources.

How do I request a salary variation?

Managers must complete the salary variation form and detail the rationale for the variation with approval from an authorising senior manager.

Once authorisation has been obtained the form must be reviewed and final approval by the HR Governance team and Director of HR.

Full details of the process are available on the 'salary variation process' page.

How will managers know the salary variation form has been approved by all parties?

The manager, payroll and recruitment will receive an email confirmation that the salary variation has been approved.

How long does the salary variation process take?

The timescale depends on the verification process. Managers are advised to provide as much information as possible and a copy of a recent pay slip.

A member of staff is joining from another trust on the same band. What pay band would they start on?

Staff starting at UHB from another NHS trust on the same band will retain their current salary point and incremental date.

A staff member has been promoted to a job on a higher band. What is their starting pay point?

Pay is set either at the minimum of the new pay band or, if this would result in no pay increase, the first pay point in the band which would result an increase in pay.

A staff member had a break in service of less than 12 months. Which pay point would they recommence their employment with the Trust?

Staff who have a break in service of less than 12 months and are returning to the same pay band will enter the pay band at the same point they were on when they left.

The increment date will however be deferred by the length of the break.

A staff member had a break in service of more than 12 months. Which pay point would they recommence their employment with the Trust?

Staff who return to the NHS after a break of 12 months or more will normally enter the pay band at the minimum pay of the new pay band. However, the same guidance, rules and approval levels will apply where managers feel that previous experience, at the same level of responsibility, should be taken into account in determining higher starting pay.

What happens when a staff member moves into a higher band post on a temporary basis?

When a staff member moves to a higher banded post on a temporary basis, pay will either be set at the minimum of the new pay band or, if this would result in no pay increase the first pay point in the band which would deliver an increase in pay.

What pay point would be applicable when a member of staff is not required to carry out the full responsibilities of the post on a higher band?

In such circumstances, pay will be determined by job evaluation.

Would the increment date differ during the period of temporary movement?

When temporary movement into a higher pay band results in only one extra pay point the incremental date remains the same.

When temporary movement results in more than one extra point the incremental date for the period of the temporary movement becomes the date the movement began.

On return to the original post, pay will revert to the original pay point, but will take into account any incremental increases that may have been due during the acting up period.

What happens where a staff member moves to a lower banded post voluntarily?

On such occasions, their salary on the lower band will be calculated based on their previous service. They will not automatically go to the top pay point of the lower band and advice must be taken from HR.

A new starter with no NHS experience has been recruited. They currently receive an annual bonus, can this be taken into consideration for their starting salary?

No, the starting salary will be based on annual salary only and won't take bonuses, London weighting or any other additional payment into consideration.

A new starter has been working on UHB+ for the last two years. Will that be taken into consideration?

Yes, bank service can be used for a salary variation request. Their bank service will be verified to ensure they worked regularly.

Who do I contact if I have any queries on salary variation?

If you are unable to find an answer to your query, please email the Salary Variation team.


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