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Questions for staff

The questions below are for managers to consider when a member of staff is on short or long term absences and disability.

Short or long term absences

  • What is the employee’s general state of health?
  • What is the prognosis in relation to the member of staffs current health situation ?
  • What treatment and support has been put in place ?
  • Is the member of staff likely to make a full recovery from her illness and return to work in the foreseeable future ?
  • What adjustments, if any, should be considered on the member of staffs return ?
  • Is there any other support that management should consider in assist to the member of staff returning to work ?
  • Are there any other underlying issues that management should be aware of ?
  • What level of attendance can management expect in the future – are there likely to be further recurrences of this or any other medical condition ?
  • Are there any facts which would prevent the member of staff from undertaking the full range of duties that we, his/her employer, should be made aware of either on a temporary or permanent basis?
  • Is the member of staff's health problem in any way related to his/her duties, and if so, any suggestions as to how further problems may be prevented.
  • Is the employee fit to undertake all of their duties contained in the enclosed job description?
  • Are they likely to continue to be able to carry out these duties over the next (insert period of time)?
  • Do you anticipate that the employee will need to continue with any medication and/or medical treatment following their return to work? If so please indicate whether medication and/or treatment will affect the employee’s ability to undertake their duties and/or necessitate any time off work and if so how much?
  • Is the health problem, likely to recur or affect future attendance?
  • Does the employee have an underlying medical condition that prevents regular attendance at work?
  • How is this employee’s functional capacity affected by their medical condition?
  • How does their functional capacity affect their ability to do their current job?
  • Is the Disability Act under the Equality Act likely to apply in this case? If so, from a medical perspective, what is the impact in relation to the employee undertaking their role at work?
  • Are any limitations likely to be permanent or temporary?
  • What is the minimum period before the individual is likely to be fit to return to work?
  • In your opinion, is this individual likely to return to work at all?
  • If the individual returns to work, will he be capable of fulfilling his current role?
  • Would redeployment be a suitable option in this case?
  • Any other factors or information you feel that we, as his/her employer, should be aware of in connection with his/her employment with the Trust?

Disability related questions

  • Does the employee have a physical or mental impairment?
  • If the employee has impairment, does that impairment have an adverse effect on the employee’s ability to carry out their day-to-day activities?
  • If the employee has an impairment with adverse effect on their day-to-day life, is that effect substantial?
  • If there is an impairment with adverse effect on the employee’s day-to-day life, is that effect long term? How long do you consider the effect might last?
  • Please outline any measures which have been or are being taken to treat or correct the employee’s impairment. Measures include medical treatment or any kind, and the use of other aids. Please indicate if these measures are continuing?
  • If measures are being undertaken please indicate what the effect of stopping those measures would be on the employee and in particular whether any improvement in the employee’s impairment may be temporary or permanent?
  • The following adjustments have been made to assist the employee with performing their duties over the last (insert period of time) and (details of adjustments). Please confirm where there any further adjustments which you consider may be necessary and in what way will they assist the employee in performing their duties?
  • Are there any short term adjustments to employee’s duties or environment that would help facilitate rehabilitation or an early return to work?
  • Are there any permanent adjustments to the employee’s duties or environment recommended?
  • Is there any further requirement for medical support or intervention?
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