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Keeping in touch (KIT) days

Staff can work up to ten days during maternity or adoption leave. This is known as 'keeping in touch' (KIT) days which are optional and need to be agreed by the both the member of staff and manager.

The type of work and pay should be agreed before the member of staff comes into work. KIT days do not affect member of staffs' right to maternity or adoption leave and pay.

Staff can work up to 20 days during shared parental leave. This is known as 'shared parental leave in touch' (SPLIT) days which are in addition to the ten KIT days available to staff on maternity or adoption leave.

KIT considerations

  • Staff on maternity leave can can work up to ten days without bringing their leave to an end or losing statutory maternity pay
  • Work days during maternity leave must be agreed. Managers don't have to offer staff work days during maternity leave and staff can't insist on working
  • KIT days may be worked at any point during maternity leave except during the two weeks immediately after the birth
  • Maternity KIT days can be used for any work-related activity such as attending training, conferences or team meetings
  • Any work on a day during maternity leave will counts as a full KIT day, even if only an hour of work was completed
  • Staff should be paid at their basic day hourly rate (minus any occupational or statutory maternity payments) for KIT days.
  • If a KIT days is worked:
    • in the full pay period, the member of staff will receive a day of paid leave in lieu once they have returned to work
    • on a day of leave in the half pay period, the member of staff will receive a half day of paid leave in lieu once they have retuned to work
  • Managers are legally required to notify staff on maternity leave of any changes that will affect the employees terms and conditions of employment (e.g. restructure or changes to their role)

KIT day process

KIT days may be worked at any point of maternity leave other than during compulsory two week leave immediately after the birth.

Managers and staff should agree a maternity leave contact arrangement before the leave commences.

Staff must agree the following with their manager:

  • If they want to work KIT days
  • How many KIT days they want to work
  • What type of work they will do on the KIT days

Staff must follow the process below to keep in touch:

  • Before going on leave, staff should discuss and agree any voluntary arrangements for keeping in touch during the maternity, adoption, or shared parental leave, including any voluntary arrangements that may help them keep in touch with developments at work and, nearer the time of their return, to help facilitate their return to work
  • Keep management informed of any developments that may affect their intended return date
  • Work for up to a maximum of ten KIT days without bringing their maternity or adoption leave to an end – any work days will not extend the maternity/adoption leave period
  • Staff may not work during the two weeks of compulsory maternity or adoption leave
  • Work can be consecutive or not and can include training or other activities which enable the staff member to keep up-to-date with the workplace
  • As soon as KIT dates are arranged, managers will inform Payroll of the dates for payment to be arranged
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