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Together we can… celebrate International Clinical Trials Day: UHB's Research Showcase returns

Published on 26/04/2024

UHB Research Showcase 2024
UHB Research Showcase 2024

Mark your calendars as the annual Research Showcase is set to return next month, aiming to unite experts in highlighting exciting healthcare innovations.

Taking place on Friday 17 May at Heartlands, Good Hope, Queen Elizabeth and Solihull hospitals, the Research Showcase seeks to demonstrate excellent clinical research within University Hospitals Birmingham and its huge potential impact on the future of healthcare in the NHS.

Encouraging greater patient and public involvement in research is a key priority for the day with interactive exhibits demonstrating cutting-edge developments.

Members of the public and hospital colleagues alike will be able to learn of the integral role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the future of healthcare, with attendees able to delve into the public perception of AI developments.

The PATHWAY Research Data Hub will show us how health data can be used to advance patient care and treatment, whilst specialists show how ultrasound scans are being used to further research into inflammation.

With multiple surgical specialties also bringing forward their latest trials, exhibits will feature games, surveys, videos and other interactivity to help spark imagination and engage patients, visitors, and hospital staff.

A collaborative stall by the gastrointestinal and liver departments will focus on the gut microbiome, incorporating hands-on elements such as an artificial liver for attendees to feel and widen understanding of the complexities of tummy health.

We’ll also be showcasing the journey of health technology, emphasising its significance in patient safety and inclusivity, as well as the role of usability testing in device and technology development.

Jo Gray, Head of Research and Development Operations said: “The Research Showcase provides a fantastic opportunity for public involvement in research, and attendees will be invited to share their perspectives about research and can contribute to ongoing studies. Patients and members of the public getting involved in research is so important to ensure that developments stay relevant for our patients.

“We will also be showcasing a data research project called PIONEER, which aims to improve healthcare pathways and treatments by analysing health data. Its uses within health innovation are key to the future of how we care and treat for patients.

“With a theme of Together We Can… we will show how we can collaboratively harness research and data to tackle the health problems of our changing population, all in a very easy to understand and enjoyable day.”

Visit the Research Showcase on Friday 17 May 2024, between 10:00 - 15:00:

  • Good Hope Hospital: main corridor, near X-ray – see the Clinical Research Network, trauma and orthopaedics, emergency department, cancer and obstetrics and gynaecology research teams and more.
  • Heartlands Hospital: Level 1, near outpatient pharmacy (main entrance) – see 8+ teams including respiratory, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatric and cancer research.
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham: Atrium – see 18+ teams including liver and gastroenterology, digital and robotics, thoracic, inherited metabolic disorders and PIONEER.
  • Solihull Hospital: main entrance – see teams including dermatology, rheumatology and vascular surgery.

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