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Cancer services

There are a number of treatments that are available to patients with bowel cancer.

Treatment depends on where the cancer is located in the bowel and how advanced the cancer is. Treatments are usually given to patients with the intention of eliminating the disease. Unfortunately this is not always possible.

For patients referred to the service by their GP, you will be seen in the outpatient department of the hospital by a specialist colorectal doctor.

They may advise that you should undergo a colonoscopy, CT scan and MRI scan to further examine your bowel. On completion of the relevant investigations, your case will be discussed at the Colorectal Multi-disciplinary Team meeting.

Following the team meeting, you will receive an appointment to see a specialist who will explain your treatment options. These may include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery. Occasionally you may require multiple treatments.

The Colorectal nurse specialists will support you through any treatment you may receive.

Patients who present via the emergency department with bowel related issues will be assessed and investigated accordingly. They may require emergency treatment and will be supported through this.

A surveillance program is in place to monitor patients once treatment has been completed.


Last reviewed: 26 May 2023