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Therapies patient experience survey for outpatients

We'd like your feedback on your recent outpatient appointment with our therapies service.

We won't ask you for any personal information, and any feedback you choose to provide will be treated in confidence and only used to help improve the services we provide.

Which type of specialist did you see at your appointment? (REQUIRED)
Was your appointment with the specialist carried out: (REQUIRED)
Did you feel cared for by your specialist? (REQUIRED)
Did you feel you had enough privacy when discussing your condition or treatment with your specialist? (REQUIRED)
Did you feel that you were treated with respect and dignity by your specialist? (REQUIRED)
Did you feel involved in decisions about your therapy/treatment? (REQUIRED)
Did the specialist explain the treatment they were providing for you? (REQUIRED)

For example, your diet or your exercises

Have you been able to talk to your specialist, for example to ask questions about any worries or concerns you may have? (REQUIRED)
Has your specialist talked to you about the next steps in your care/continuing treatment at home, or about managing your own condition? (REQUIRED)
How satisfied are you with the length of time you have waited to see the specialist? (REQUIRED)

Thinking about your recent appointment:

How was your experience of our service? (REQUIRED)

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