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Coronavirus staff guidance University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Update, 13 August

Published: 13 August 2020

PPE guidance update on eye protection

Following enquiries from staff, the Infection Prevention and Control Team has issued some further information regarding use of visors as personal protective equipment.

Although the number of COVID-19 cases has fallen significantly from what it was during the peak of the pandemic, we are still experiencing sustained transmission of the virus within the community.

It is therefore important that staff continue to remain vigilant and follow Trust PPE guidance.

Eye protection should continue to be worn by those providing direct care within two metres of patients with possible or confirmed COVID-19.

Eye protection should also continue to be worn at all times where there is a risk of splashes with body fluids and whilst performing aerosol generating procedures, regardless of a patient’s COVID-19 status.

Staff should be reassured that there are adequate supplies of eye protection available within the Trust to allow care to be delivered safely.

Please direct any PPE-related queries to:


Visiting restrictions - a reminder

Staff are reminded that Trust guidelines on visiting have not changed and that visiting is only allowed in exceptional circumstances which are outlined in the link below.

Some surgical teams have been advising relatives that they are allowed to visit patients in critical or intensive care but this is not the case.

All surgical teams are therefore asked to adhere to the current Trust guidelines which can be viewed here:

Convalesecent plasma donations wanted

NHS Blood and Transplant is now urgently appealing for people in Birmingham and the surrounding areas to donate convalescent plasma.

NHSBT needs as many donors as possible to come forward now from the first wave of infections to enable as many donations as possible to be taken now.

The welcome decline in new infections means every potential donor is now even more valuable.

Gail Miflin, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Blood and Transplant, said: "We need people in Birmingham and the surrounding areas to offer to donate now so we are ready to potentially provide an additional line of protection during any second wave. Donating plasma is safe and easy and you could save lives."

Dr Dhruv Parekh, UHB Critical Care and Respiratory Medicine Consultant, added: “Plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19 can be transfused into people who are still unwell and struggling to develop their own immune response. The plasma contains neutralising antibodies which could stop the virus spreading. If you’ve had coronavirus, please consider donating to help others."

Plasma donations take about 45 minutes. Your body usually replaces the plasma you’ve donated in 24–48 hours. Your body also quickly replaces the antibodies. People can donate plasma as often as every two weeks.

If you’ve had coronavirus, please offer to donate by visiting the NHS BT website or contacting:

Tel: 0300 123 23 23

Colleagues working from home

The Trust continues to be in support of homeworking for colleagues where it is practical and possible in their roles and where line managers have given permission.

Continuing to have some of the workforce at home means more people are able to social distance at work.

The HR department is working hard to support homeworkers and a hub with valuable resources and guidance is now available on the HR webpage.

The HR department will also be sharing the results of the homeworking surveys in the coming weeks.

Staff discounts

WHSmith is changing some of its discounts for NHS staff which were brought in earlier in the pandemic.

From Thursday 13 August, the 20% discount will be replaced by alternative offers.

These will include a further reduced ‘Meal Deal’ for £2.99, a 25% discount compared to the normal price of £3.99.

In addition, there will also be different monthly offers for NHS staff introduced.

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