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Coronavirus staff guidance University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Update, 24 September

Published: 24 September 2020

COVID-19 staff briefings

Regular COVID-19 briefings are being introduced to keep staff up-to-date during the latest phase of the pandemic.

Heartlands Hospital

With the emerging second wave of Coronavirus infection in the Trust, twice weekly Heartlands Hospital lunchtime briefings were reintroduced this week.

The briefings, which are open to all of the site’s staff, are held as webinars and are run on Mondays and Thursdays. The frequency of the webinars will potentially increase if there is a need for more regular briefings.

Site Responsible Clinician at Heartlands Hospital Rif Rashid said: “As colleagues will recall, we held daily briefings through the first phase of Coronavirus and the feedback from these was very positive.

“Clearly we are not in the same position now with total numbers of Covid-19 patients in the hospital and across the Trust remaining comparatively low, but there has been a significant increase in cases recently and the trajectory that this follows will only become apparent in the coming days and weeks.

“Moreover, as everyone is well aware, we face the additional and substantial challenges from rising levels of bed occupancy and in the acuity of patients in our ED and assessment areas as we enter the NHS winter, whilst we also endeavour to continue elective work that was halted earlier in the year.”

To register for the next briefings please click on the link below:

The recording of the first webinar is available to view online:

Please see the downloads section for a written account and supporting documents. 


Dr Peter Hewins, Site Responsible Clinician at QEHB, is reintroducing the COVID-19 briefings for clinicians based at QEHB.

These will take place every Monday and Thursday at 12:30 and will be held in Lecture Theatre 3, with the option to join remotely via Microsoft Teams.

Doctors based at QEHB are encouraged to attend these briefings, either virtually or in person.

Due to social distancing measures, the lecture theatre will seat a maximum of 50 people and attendees must adhere to guidance on spacing and face coverings.

It is recommended that each department sends a key person to the briefing, however all our welcome to join via the below Microsoft Teams links at 12:30 every Monday and Thursday.

Delivery service

Staff are reminded that a food delivery service is available to help reduce footfall in restaurants during the pandemic.

Wards can use a Food Retail Order Sheet to pre-order food for their ward from a reduced menu.

This should be emailed to the team responsible for their site, and their food will be delivered within 30 minutes of desired request.

Deliveries are for four or more staff in one area.

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