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Sudden hearing loss

Sudden hearing loss, or a sudden change in hearing, can have different causes, some of which may need urgent investigation and treatment.

If you experience sudden hearing loss (over three days or less), you should arrange to see your GP or attend your nearest urgent treatment centre or emergency department.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Audiology Centre (QEHAC) provides a broad range of services to adults affected by problems with hearing, balance or tinnitus.

We have a large multi-disciplinary team comprising of audiologists, hearing therapists and administrative support, working closely with ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultants and other professionals.

Services include:

  • hearing tests
  • digital hearing aids
  • bone conduction hearing implants (BCHI)
  • cochlear implants (CI)
  • middle ear implants (MEI)
  • advanced diagnostic hearing and balance services
  • balance rehabilitation
  • hearing therapy
  • tinnitus rehabilitation

Last reviewed: 09 December 2024