All GP referrals to Rheumatology are via advice and referral.
Urgent referrals e.g. suspected GCA can be phoned to the on call registrar via the switchboard, 9am – 5pm on Monday – Friday.
GP referrals
The Rheumatology department offers a comprehensive service to patients with any suspected Rheumatological problem. Please refer patients with suspected:
- rheumatoid arthritis
- psoriatic arthritis
- inflammatory spinal arthritis
- systemic lupus erythematosus
- scleroderma
- sjögren’s syndrome
- myositis
- vasculitic disorders (GCA to be referred urgently as above)
- gout
- uncertainty and diagnosis for patients with unexplained MSK symptoms
Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) ESCA
Last reviewed: 06 July 2023