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Coronavirus staff guidance University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust


Update, 15 July 2021

Published: 15 July 2021

Our position from 19 July: restrictions and requirements

In-line with national NHS guidance, there will be no changes to our current restrictions and requirements, for both colleagues and patients from Monday 19 July.

For clarity, this means:

  • Post-19 July "hands, face, space" will continue to be enforced across the Trust, for both colleagues and patients. That means face masks must be worn in all indoor areas, hands must be sanitised and washed regularly and a two-metre distanced must be maintained, except for in clinical areas where this will remain at one-metre, with appropriate PPE.
  • Current visiting restrictions will remain in place. Controlled visiting pilots are taking place in some low-risk areas and these will be maintained providing it is safe and practical. If your area is not participating in a pilot, the following restrictions apply:
  • Security will remain in place across all our hospitals to protect you and ensure our rules are being followed by visitors.
  • We will update our signage and use all communication channels available to ensure patients and visitors are aware that our restrictions remain in place.
  • Our COVID marshals will continue to ensure we are all following our Trust rules and doing all we can to keep our hospitals, our people and our patients safe.
  • Colleagues must continue completing two lateral flow tests each week and reporting their results here:
  • If you receive a positive lateral flow test, or you (or those you live with) experience any ofthesymptomsofCOVID-19 (see below PHE guidance), please contact Occupational Health for immediate advice on 0121 371 7169. Please note: if you get a PCR test outside of the Trust and receive a positive result you need to report this to Occupational Health on 0121 371 8355 so that the team can trace your contacts within the organisation.
  • Anyone notified by The NHS COVID-19 app to isolate must do so. Staff are reminded that they should only pause their app if they are working behind a fixed screen and are fully protected from other people, store their phone in a locker or communal area while working/taking part in leisure activities, or are a healthcare worker working in a hospital/GP setting and are wearing appropriate PPE.
  • To help monitor and maintain staffing levels in our hospitals,usersoftheCOVID-absence reporting tool must continuereportinganystaffCOVID-related absences in their team using this link:

As a Trust, we are committed to ensuring you are safe at work and encourage you all to have the COVID-19 vaccine (two doses) if you have not already done so.

If you have not yet had the vaccine but would like to have it, or would like to enquire whether you can bring forward the date for your second vaccine, please visit:

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