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Dealing with grief and loss

This information was originally published as part of the Trust's response to COVID-19 pandemic and is currently being reviewed to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. Please be aware that some information may be outdated or may no longer apply until we've completed this review.

If you have any queries, please contact the Inclusion Team.


We know how hard it is to look after yourself when working long hours in tough circumstances. Many of you are patient-facing or responding to the current pandemic, and will have to deal with extremely distressing events, while working under pressured and stressful conditions. We are working with Cruse Bereavement Support to provide a range of support to help you manage yourself and help others. 

Although many of you have been trained to save lives, currently your experience within the hospital means that you may have experienced many of the following:

  • The people you are working with or caring for may be bereaved under difficult and traumatic circumstances
  • Colleagues may have died recently, or you may be worried about co-workers who are very ill. As a team, you may be facing an unprecedented level of grief
  • You may be extremely anxious for your health or that of your family. You may be separated from some of those you love
  • You may experience compassion fatigue, which can arise when we are exhausted while caring in traumatic circumstances. It is like burnout and can mean people start to find it hard to empathise
  • You may be bereaved yourself and having to deal with grief at a time of isolation and social distancing, with all the painful difficulties this brings

How Cruse Bereavement Support can help

If you are struggling with your bereavement, have been affected by the death of patients, or are affected by the grief of those around you, Cruse Bereavement Support can help.

Cruse in Birmingham offers a local service, and a range of resources can be accessed.

Telephone support or group/individual sessions via Zoom

Tel: 0121 687 8010

National freephone helpline

The national freephone helpline offers emotional help and signposting.

Tel: 0808 808 1677

Please visit the Cruse website for opening hours.

Digital chat facility

Cruse offers "CruseChat" on its website.

Please know that there are people who can support you and that you do not need to manage the complex and confusing emotions you may be experiencing on your own. Share with those around you, and if you don't feel able to, please reach out to organisations like Cruse who can support you.

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